Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Week 13: Day 2

Today is virtual school day. I contacted my members and got all the detailed sorted out. I drew up the list of things we should need based on the questions we answered last class. I also finished the diagram:

Click to enlarge.


To help with efficiency of generator

  1. Wooden Base (Any dimensions would be fine; just enough to hold stick upright)
  2. Stick (Around 4ft long would be good, but no specific dimensions)
Parts of the generator
  1. Nail (Preferably the biggest one you can find)
  2. Plastic Board (Enough to make a circle with a diameter of 70 cm)
  3. Supermagnets (Provided in school, at least 4)
Means of measurement
  1. Copper Wire (25 loops would be sufficient; number not set)
  2. Multimeter (Provided in school)
Miscellaneous (to help with set up)
  1. Scissors
  2. Ruler
  3. A desk
  4. Tape
  5. Fan
All the details necessary for this experiment is in there. The coil of wire and the multimeter is already set. Now all I need to do is let my teammates help gather the equipment and start building it. Next class I will be sharing this with them as well as writing a lab report on it. In the weekends hopefully I will be able to build it. Next week we can test it at school, and if all goes well, we can finish this project next week and revise for the test.

I also sent the lab report #6 and #7 about magnetism. Which reminds me, I have not yet got the information from the circuits project. When I get to chemistry class I need to go get the poster.

Week 13: Day 1

Today I looked forward to seeing what Fahd did for the wind generator project while Moh and I were away, but unfortunately he was absent. William, however, had some information that helped.

We started sharing all our ideas of what to do for this. What we already know from previous lessons is that we need a coil of wire attached to the multimeter. We need something that goes round and round attached to a magnet to generate electricity. And we need wind. Science will do the rest.

So here are the questions we need to answer:

  1. What are the blades going to be made out of to get wind?
  2. What are the shape of the blades?
  3. What is the size of the blades?
  4. How many blades to we need?
  5. How would we get the blades to spin?
  6. Finally, the biggest question of all: Will this generate enough electricity for the multimeter to show it above the error range?
In class we drew diagrams of possible ways to do it. It was much like the diagrams in previous classes, but more detailed. As of the end of the class, the only certain thing we need is a fan so we can have wind. We requested that.

At home, I finished the question list and answered them. I also wrote three days worth of blog posts as I was away last week due to the conference.

  1. The blades are going to be made out of plastic boards. I have considered zinc plates, as they are sturdier and can probably get more wind, but they are too hard to cut.
  2. We decided to make the blades shaped like a normal fan. It would be triangular, with its tip attached to the center.
  3. We decided to cut out a plastic board in a circle. The size depends on the size of the plastic board we can buy as well, but as of now we want the plastic board to be 2ft in diameter, not including the center. That means 1ft from tip to base. A picture will be uploaded next post or so.
  4. As of now we plan to have 4 blades as it is the easiest to cut.
  5. We can get the blades to spin by punching a hole in the middle of the cardboard with a nail, and attaching that nail to a stick. 
  6. Hopefully, but we have to try first.

Plan for Week 13

Day 1

In Class: Draw a detailed diagram on our first draft of the wind generator.

At Home: Continue the diagram.

Day 2

In Class:  Discuss our diagrams with group continue building it.

At Home: Revise any errors and things needed to be changed in the diagram.

Day 3

In Class: Share the model and type up lab report.

At Home: Finish typing up a lab report. Test it during weekend.

Week 12: Day 3

Today I was in the MUN conference all day and therefore I couldn't do any work. I will be making up for this in by doing more at home in the coming week. For details on today's class, Fahd and William is working on the wind generator project and the progress should be posted on their blogs.

Week 12: Day 2

Today we continued working on the wind generator project. Moh wasn't here, though; I filled him in later on what he did.

Fahd's diagram and last class's planning was enough to give us a start on what to do. I had a sudden inspiration from the simulation I used for my lab report, so we revised the diagram. 

William decided to join us, and he gave us the idea of using coils of wire attached to the multimeter. The goal is to get the multimeter to show more than 4 volts, because that would mean that we would be generating electricity and not picking up picking up wind currents that the multimeter is so sensitive to. 4 volts seems rather appropriate for a goal that is out of the error range.

To generate electricity using the coil of wire attached to the multimeter, we need to use a magnet. For stronger results, we used a super magnet and moved it around the coil to see if it generates electricity. 

By the end of class, we have all the ideas sorted out and the general plan of work for the wind generator project. Unfortunately I had an accident with my hand as well, so I didn't do as much as I would have liked.

At home I continued working out the little details, but couldn't do much as I had to prepare for my MUN conference- I'm traveling tonight. Also my injured hand prevented me from doing more. I will be missing the next science class.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Week 12: Day 1

Today we started on the Wind Generator Project. Fahd (who decided to join us), Moh, and I read through and looked at parts to be divided at first.

Fahd will do the written report; Moh will do the advertisement. I will be checking in with both of them and helping them. But for now, we're all going to build the wind generator together.

We looked at ideas from the internet, but that was not needed. So we referred to the simulation; the one with water was really helpful. Instead of solar we'll use wind. We're going to use the multimeter to measure it. We'll need copper wires too- as well as a way to capture wind.

Fahd is doing a diagram of the wind generator- the one we're going to build next class.

I also did the magnets quiz at home, which I had not seen before.

Plan for Week 12

Day 1

In Class: Wind Generator Project- Assign Roles and gather information.

At Home: Continue Researching

Day 2

In Class:  Discuss our findings.

At Home: Continue wind generator project.

Day 3

In Class: Continue wind generator project; ask any questions that may help do it.

At Home: Continue wind generator project.

Note: The details for doing what specifically would be coming later, after roles are assigned and things started to take shape.

Week 11: Day 3

Today Moh updated me on everything he did while I was away. Since he was my lab partner, he filled me in on the things he had to for the labs. I also filled him in on the conclusion of Lab #6, which I did. This way we can write with new insight.

Since Moh came in a bit late, I was working on the pulp for Environmental Club as well. It turned out not as well as expected, but not horrible as there are still some parts salvageable and ready for use.

Now the Lab #7 is also done, which leaves only the Wind Generator Project and the test.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Week 11: Day 2

Today I was sick and unable to come to school. I thought that if I was able to come, I would probably work a bit more on the pulp for the paper recycling project, and then spend time working with Moh for the Wind Generator Project, which was the last thing before the test that I have to do.

Instead, at home I did what I can. I told Moh to start the wind generator project without me. I also looked over previous lab reports. I did the circuits quiz. Apart from that I really couldn't do much in this state.

Week 11: Day 1

Today there have been a change of plans; I had to work on the recycling paper for environmental club at school since, obviously, I can't do that at home. I spent a little time in the beginning helping my lab partner, Moh, start off the lab report #7 (we're doing it together). Then I went to work on the paper. About 15 minutes to the time class ended, I went back and helped Moh continue the lab report.

At home I finished working on the lab report- or at least, my part of it.

There is also the written part of the project that crossed my mind. Once my teammates send me the necessary information, I guess I'll start doing it. I don't know why it wasn't okay the first time we wrote it, though.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Plan for Week 11

Day 1

In Class: Do Lab Report #7

At Home: Finish Lab Report #7

Day 2

In Class: Start wind generator project.

At Home: Continue wind generator project.

Day 3

In Class: Continue wind generator project; ask any questions that may help do it.

At Home: Continue wind generator project.

The details for the wind generator project will be coming later, after I start planning everything out. Then I will revise for the test a bit, drawing up the main ideas in this unit and making sure everything is completed. I plan the test will be around week 12, maybe week 13 if there is the vocabulary list.

Week 10: Day 3

Today I started the lab report #6. I named it electromagnets and used the PhET simulation. It was very interesting, but it was also very confusing. I spent quite some time in the beginning of class to get used to the simulations and figure out what we are going to do as a lab report question. I could have done that at home, but I thought there would be helpful tips in class, and I was already swamped with completing the worksheets and investigations as well as other homework.

Twenty minutes I knew which section of the simulation to use as well as the basic things I need to know in order to complete the investigation (specifically the field meter). I identified the variables, formed the questions, and started typing it up. By the end of the class I finished everything except for the conclusion and the finishing touches.

I find this link very helpful in getting started.

At home I completed the lab report. I added screenshots and typed up the conclusion. Next class I'll complete lab report #7, then there will only be the wind generator project and the test left to do. (And the magnetism quizzes I'll do at home sometime.) The investigation #5 is ignored due to the lack of ferrofluid.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Week 10: Day 2

Today there is nothing much to report. I completed all the questions left from the investigation, except for #7 (that would be Moh's job). I understand everything that I did on the worksheets. However I did not complete all of them, seeing that we don't really need to for knowing enough things to get an A on the test. I revised some of my wrong answers on Combination Circuits worksheet.
At home, I did the Ohm's Law quiz. I got full score, so I think I can do that part on the test pretty well.
Tommorow I'm going to complete some lab reports for magnetism.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Week 10: Day 1

Today went better than I expected it to in terms of finishing things. We spent the first few minutes swapping answers for our homework (to finish previous investigation questions), and then Moh and I did investigation #5: Do nails remember? The key points to take away from this investigations are:

  1. Domain is the force field around the magnet.
  2. The particles inside the nail line up when it is magnetized (to magnetize it you can stroke in ONE DIRECTION with a magnet), and when it is not magnetized the particles don't line up. So, to de-magnetize it, you can drop it to shake the particles inside a nail. 
We could not do Investigation #6 due to lack of materials; I assume we skip it unless the materials do come- which is a shame because when I read it, it seemed real interesting. 

So we did Investigation #7: Funny things happen all the way down to nano, which is the last one. The interactions of magnets and iron filings in oil are very interesting to watch. We have not finished answering the questions, so the key points in the investigation cannot be properly summarized yet.

At home I attempted to complete the answers to Investigation #7 (and a few leftovers from Investigation #5). I did not expect to finish it as the sheet was long, but since we're a bit ahead of schedule we may have time to do this tomorrow where there would be more help. Tomorrow I also plan to finish any left over work from the previous investigations and everything else- like the worksheets that have crude answers and the quiz. This should take up time both in class and at home. That originally was my plan for Friday as well as starting the wind generator project, but I'm going to revise that and say complete the phET simulation to investigate electromagnetics and electricity generator first. 

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Plan for Week 10

Day 1

In Class: Go over previous investigation questions with lab partner; do investigation #5 and #6.

At Home: Finish parts of the investigation left over in class. (Answer questions) Prepare for next investigation.

Day 2

In Class: Go over previous investigation questions with lab partner; do investigation #7 (and complete #6 if we haven't already.)

At Home: Finish parts of the investigation left over in class. (Answer questions)

Day 3

In Class: Go over previous investigation questions with lab partner, go over worksheets (again) that may help on planning project, do any left over quizzes on Moodle.

At Home: Continue quizzes. Start planning Wind Generator Project. (Hopefully this will be completed in Week 11 or 12, which means I'll be ready to take the test then as everything else is done.)

Week 9: Day 3

Today I looked over the answers of previous investigations I did at home in Day 2 with Moh, making sure we both have the same answers and understand why it's correct.

Then we moved on to Investigation #4. Today's experiment with iron filings is fascinating; I recall learning about particles lining up before and it's really interesting to see it in action inside a straw.

At home I finished the questions that the investigation has, and I, as usual, wrote this blog.

Week 9: Day 2

Today in class I signed up for investigation #2 and #3 (if we have time to do #3). So I did that with my lab partner, Moh.

I ended up printing all the investigations out so that we can complete them as soon as possible, doing at least one each day. Today I realized I could've completed the first part of investigation #2 (the brainstorming part) at home, even though it'll take a lot of thinking to do that. In the end I only got some ideas from the materials right in front of me.

By the end investigation #2, I have a clear understanding of the difference, as well as the similarities, between electrostatics and magnetism.

I also did investigation #3, and divided the questions needed to be answered with Moh, but also making sure that we both understand all the questions.

At home I completed the questions at the back of the investigation sheet, which basically asks to summarize what you have learnt during the experiment.

Week 9: Day 1

Today I got my exam sheet back. The results were rather disappointing, though I'm more or less okay with the grade itself. There were some questions that I was absolutely sure was correct, but it was wrong. Of course, it also worked the other way; some I was not sure and guessed correctly.

I was done looking at the exam sheet early, so I watched some review videos and asked a couple of stuff I did in the worksheet but got wrong on the exam. 

At home, I continued reviewing, like the plan says.